
How about fixing Blackboard?

One of the more popular online learning (and training) management systems for high schools and universities in the United States is Blackboard. However, despite the fact that it has a lot to offer, many of it’s features are hidden deep in the interface.

We all came across it [ or at least most of us 😉 ]. You come to a new school or university and for sure, every single one of them uses a different learning platform like MoodleOpenOLAT or Blackboard. These applications offer different ways for managing classes/courses, knowledge, vary greatly in features. They do have a few infamously commonalities, such as lacking simplicity, focus and consistency. However, in this particular post I would like to take a look at Grand Valley State Universities’s Blackboard (myBB) solution. As part of the CIS 623 class I am taking I received an assignment to design an improved version of it.

Why are online learning

platforms so frustrating?

In order to work on a new design I tried to locate a few of the major problem areas. There are several platform-external and -internal reasons why they might fail from my very personal opinion, such as:


First design steps… – Retirement Calculator

In order to broaden my skills I decided to take a graphical user interface class at GVSU this fall. Our first assignment was to create a retirement calculator. It was required to deliver a solution that is both simple enough for someone who is completely new to these type of calculations, but offers a lot of functionality to «pro»-users.

We were asked to follow as closely as possible the way ballpark suggests these kind of computation and we were asked to implement our design. While I have a rough prototype – I would like to show you my current design and would be happy to hear your feedback.

Retirement Calculator CIS 623