We know storing credentials or other sensitive values in a configuration file (e.g. Kubernetes yaml file) is bad, but how can we get values easily replaced without having to do a complicated string substitution or writing a custom Python script?
I often have personal environment variable files for projects that I use to store credentials and configurations in. Before working on a project I would the corresponding configuration file into the shell session. However, these files cannot be stored in git repositories or shared with coworkers or bots. Even worse, sometimes the repositories have files in them that need to be changed, which is dangerous, because it’s easy to accidentally commit these files.
Well as it turns out, there already is a good solution and it is called envsubst
. We can use envsubst
to substitute environment variable placeholders inside configuration files and we can even pipe it into other commands like Kubernetes’ kubectl
envsubst < config.txt
The envsubst is part of the gettext internationalization (i18n
) and localization (l10n
) project for unix. It’s usage is quite easy and I hope this will explain it.
Some systems have gettext with envsubst preinstalled. However, if it is missing, you can install it using a package manager. For macOS you can use homebrew:
Learn more about homebrew in my article about setting about your development machine in one script
brew install gettext
Let’s say, we have an existing configuration file, that want to give to someone or use with a bot. Ideally we don’t want to include credentials in that file.
# my configuration file
server: https://gitlab.com/skofgar
username: foo_user
password: mymonkey
1. Create sample configuration file
We don’t want to check that information into a git repository nor do we want it laying around or send it to someone like this , but how can we improve this? Lets replace the information we don’t want in the file with environment variables:
server: $SERVER_URL
username: $USER_NAME
password: $USER_PASSWORD
2. Configure environment variables
Then define these environment variables either by defining them in the shell session with:
export SERVER_URL=https://gitlab.com/skofgar
export USER_NAME=foo_user
export USER_PASSWORD=mymonkey
or save them to a file (e.g. .env
) and then loading them into your current shell session by using source .env
Make sure to use
Read more here: https://ostechnix.com/difference-between-defining-bash-variables-with-and-without-export/export
, otherwise your variables are considered shell variables and might not be accessible toenvsubst
3. Substitution
To run an actual substitution, perform the following command:
envsubst < config.txt
# Expected output:
# server: https://gitlab.com/skofgar
# username: foo_user
# password: mymonkey
It is also possible to write your substitution to a new file:
envsubst < config.txt > confidential_config.txt
Piping substitution into Kubernetes and other tools
It is possible to pipe the output into other commands like less
or kubectl
for Kubernetes (k8s).
# pipe into less
envsubst < config.txt | less
# pipe a deployment "deploy.yml" into kubectl apply
envsubst < deploy.yml | kubectl apply -f -
This is a great way to improve your Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines or just simplify your own workflow. I use this for a project where we have to replace credentials that are temporarily needed, that we didn’t want to check into the git repository and that a CI pipeline also needs to access.
Let me know in the comments what you think of this solution and if you have come across an alternative approach.
Here’s a summary of all steps combined:
# print content of configuration file
cat config.txt
# expected output:
# server: $SERVER_URL
# username: $USER_NAME
# password: $USER_PASSWORD
# load environment variables
source .env
# replace environment variables in file content
envsubst < config.txt
# expected output
# server: https://gitlab.com/skofgar
# username: foo_user
# password: mymonkey
# replace environment variables and write to new file
envsubst < config.txt > confidential_config.txt
# pipe into less
envsubst < config.txt | less
# pipe a deployment "deploy.yml" into kubectl apply
envsubst < deploy.yml | kubectl apply -f -
Some of the sources I used for this article are:
- envsubst for Kubernetes: serverfault.com/a/843883
- gettext documentation: gnu.org/software/gettext
Also published on Medium.
7 replies on “How to quickly replace environment variables in a file”
Nice article 🙂
I didn’t know about envsubst. That’s a great way to solve credentials storage issues.
Thanks a lot for this article.
Sipping my first coffee and not realizing your shell promt is a ‘>’, I was copying the lines and not getting any results. Good morning everyone
Thanks for calling that out David! I will remove my `>`
Very helpful guide – thanks. Come from a SO post on the same that suggested this but didn’t show an example.
Actually thinking about this more, can you put an example of a k8s yaml file so we can see how the anchors would be written to accept the env variables?
This was a great intro to envsubst as well some of it’s use cases. Helped me with my project. Thank you!